

The ModernUI_SmartPanel is an invisible control - it is only shown during design time (if using the RadASM design-time dll for the ModernUI_SmartPanel). Its purpose is to host other dialog panels, and facilitate moving between dialog panels seemlessly. It can also provide a slide effect when changing from one panel to another.

The ModernUI_SmartPanel control can also control the painting of the background for the dialog panels that are registered with it. Additionally it will adjust each panel’s style at registration so that it is flat, borderless and without a caption, and set the DS_CONTROL flag for its style. If using IsDIalogMessage in your message loop, the ModernUI_SmartPanel control can store the handle of the currently used dialog panel, in a variable that can be used with the IsDialogMessage during the event loop, so that you can provide tabbing between controls of the hosted dialog panel’s controls.

ModernUI_SmartPanel Functions

Function Description
MUISmartPanelCreate Creates a new ModernUI_SmartPanel control
MUISmartPanelCurrentPanelIndex Gets the current panel’s index
MUISmartPanelGetCurrentPanel Gets handle (HWND) to current active panel
MUISmartPanelGetPanelParam Get lParam of panel - custom user data
MUISmartPanelGetProperty Gets the value of a property
MUISmartPanelNextPanel Moves to next panel that is registered and shows it
MUISmartPanelNotifyCallback User specified callback for notifications
MUISmartPanelPrevPanel Moves to previous panel that is registered and shows it
MUISmartPanelRegister Registers a window class for the ModernUI_SmartPanel
MUISmartPanelRegisterPanel Registers a dialog window (HWND) with the SmartPanel
MUISmartPanelSetCurrentPanel Sets the current active panel
MUISmartPanelSetIsDlgMsgVar Variable to receive current panel handle
MUISmartPanelSetPanelParam Sets the lParam of a registered panel - custom user data
MUISmartPanelSetProperty Sets the value of a property

ModernUI_SmartPanel Messages

Message Description
MUISPM_GETCURRENTPANEL Gets the current panel’s index
MUISPM_GETPANELPARAM Get lParam of panel - custom user data
MUISPM_GETTOTALPANELS Gets total panels registered with the SmartPanel control
MUISPM_NEXTPANEL Moves to next panel that is registered and shows it
MUISPM_PREVPANEL Moves to previous panel that is registered and shows it
MUISPM_REGISTERPANEL Registers a dialog window (HWND) with the SmartPanel
MUISPM_SETCURRENTPANEL Sets the current active panel
MUISPM_SETISDLGMSGVAR Variable to receive current panel handle
MUISPM_SETPANELPARAM Sets the lParam of a registered panel - custom user data

ModernUI_SmartPanel Properties

Property Type
@SmartPanelPanelsColor MUICOLORRGB
@SmartPanelBorderColor MUICOLORRGB
@SmartPanelNotifications BOOL
@SmartPanelNotifyCallback POINTER
@SmartPanelDllInstance MUIVALUE
@SmartPanelParam MUIVALUE

ModernUI_SmartPanel Property Descriptions


Back color (MUICOLORRGB) for registered panels. If set to -1 then uses system default. Default is -1


Border color (MUICOLORRGB) for registered panels. If set to -1 then no border. Default value is -1


Enable or disable notifications via WM_NOTIFY or @SmartPanelNotifyCallback. Default is TRUE


Address of custom notification callback to use instead of WM_NOTIFY. If set to NULL uses WM_NOTIFY. Default is NULL


Instance value for use in dll. Future use.


Custom user defined value to assign to ModernUI_SmartPanel control.